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Nina Wilson [former]
- June 10, 2024
Attempted Murder
Daily Stories
Non-Fatal Shooting
“Is there even a weapon?” asked defense attorney Granville Templeton in June 5 opening arguments in Baltimore City Circuit Court.
Ahmad Moulden, 37, is being charged with attempted first- and second- degree murder, firearm use in a violent crime, assault to the first- and second- degree, having a loaded handgun on his person, carrying a loaded handgun and discharging a firearm in an incident that occurred on the 600 block of North Robertson Street leading to Loneys Lane on July 10.
In a jury trial under Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Jennifer B. Schiffer, Moulden’s mental health was a major issue.
Prior to the trial, Moulden was previously found mentally competent but the defense requested get Moulden psychiatric care in the event he’s found guilty. The defense claims that Moulden was not in his right state of mind during the incident.
He has been taking medication from the time of his incarceration. However, because he is fit to stand trial, anything about Moulden’s mental health during the time of the incident can’t be used by the defense.
Meanwhile, the prosecution claimed Moulden was standing in his backyard walking his dog when the victim walked up to him said something, then walked away. Moulden called the victim back over and then allegedly shot him in the head.
Moulden then ran inside his house while two eyewitnesses related to the victim fired at Moulden’s house and burned it down. They can’t testify because they both pleaded guilty to arson.
The defense claims that the police didn’t do a thorough enough job investigating the case. Further, no firearm has been linked to Moulden as a result of the investigation.
The first witness from the Baltimore City Police District (BPD) arrived after the shooting saw the victim lying face down with a revolver in the waistband of his pants. Because so many people surrounded the victim, the officer took the firearm ungloved and placed it in his vehicle for his own safety.
According to documents from the District Court of Maryland, at 10:33 a.m. an officer from the Southeast District of Baltimore found a man with a single gunshot wound to the head. He was immediately transported to John Hopkins Bayview for medical assistance, where he was put on life support and later declared brain dead.
At the scene police found shell casings, traces of blood and a cell phone. Eyewitnesses allegedly identified Moulden as the person who shot the victim but the shooter’s weapon remains a mystery.