Allendale Street Assault Defendant Gets Nolle Pros Motion-Case Dismissed

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On Nov. 8,  Nathaniel Henry, Jr. appeared in front of Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Charles H. Dorsey III. The prosecutor then entered a nolle pros motion, effectively dismissing the case, because a key witnessed could not be located.

Henry, 57, was charged with first-degree and second-degree assault, firearm use in a felony violent crime, reckless endangerment, firearm possession with a felony conviction, possession of firearms in a controlled dangerous substance offense, having a loaded handgun on his person, having a loaded handgun in his vehicle, illegal possession of ammunition and firing a gun in Baltimore City in connection to a Jan. 22 incident. 

Henry appeared in court in September to hear a plea offered by the prosecutor, but his defense attorney, Andrew Alperstein, rejected it. 

As previously reported by Baltimore Witness, Baltimore Police Department officers responded to the 700 block of Allendale Street on Jan. 22 after receiving reports of gunfire when they were approached by a man with gunshot wounds to his legs. 

By investigating the apparent getaway car and interviewing the victim, officers determined that Henry was the alleged suspect.