Witness Involved in Carjacking Testifies Against Murder Defendant

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An 18-year-old witness testified before Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Jennifer B. Schiffer to prove that 29-year-old Christopher McLean was the shooter and sole driver of a vehicle involved in a murder and carjacking on Aug. 14, 2023. 

McLean is charged with first-degree murder, conspiracy to commit first-degree murder, firearm use in a felony violent crime, conspiracy to use a firearm in a felony violent crime, first-degree assault and reckless endangerment from a car for the incident at A Plus Grocery and Deli on the 900 block of North Broadway. 

“I was scared for real,” the witness testified on July 11. 

Before the shooting, the witness, McLean and the four other men carjacked a Nissan.

The prosecution stated that the witness saw McLean and four other men walking across a grass field adjacent to the 5500 block of Bowleys Lane after stealing the car. 

A BPD detective confirmed that the individuals were walking in the direction of the grocery store. 

The witness, who pleaded guilty to the carjacking in 2023, said there was a 9mm handgun present when the carjacking occurred. It is unclear if the gun was used in the carjacking. 

According to Baltimore Police Department (BPD) detectives and the prosecution, camera footage showed five suspects leaving the scene of the crime, four of the suspects wore all black and one of the suspects was wearing a black T-shirt, blue shorts and New Balance sneakers. 

Camera footage from Bowleys Lane showed a man exiting a white Lincoln  wearing the same blue shorts and black T-shirt before carjacking the Nissan. Police were able to verify that McClean owned a white Lincoln.

The same clothes the suspected shooter was wearing was also found at McLean’s residence. 

Testimony for McLean’s trial is set to continue on July 12.