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Dana Beckwith [former]
, Kavya Vandavasi [former] - June 21, 2024
Daily Stories
Non-Fatal Shooting
A 20-year-old non-fatal shooting defendant appeared alongside his attorney, Isabel Lipman for the first day of his trial before Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Hope Tipton.
The incident occurred at a gas station on the 2800 block of Liberty Heights Avenue on Sept. 2, 2023.
Xavier Hawkins, 20, faces charges of first-degree assault, conspiracy to commit first degree assault, second-degree assault, firearm use in a felony violent crime, illegal possession of a registered firearm, possession of firearm as a minor, fire and discharge of a firearm, illegal possession of ammunition, reckless endangerment, unauthorized removal of property, and two charges of conspiracy to firearm use in a felony violent crime, wear and carry of a firearm and carry and transport of a firearm each.
In her opening argument Isabel Lipman said that “Mr. Hawkins was the victim in this case” and that the prosecution couldn’t prove he intended or acted in a violent way towards anyone. He was just at the wrong place, at the wrong time, according to the defense.
The prosecution stated that a shooting with multiple suspects occurred at the crime scene and it appeared that Hawkins and others were responsible.
The prosecution presented a police officer’s body camera footage, multiple photographs taken by a crime scene technician, photographs of Hawkins during his hospital stay, along with firearm evidence from the scene, and crime scene reports done by the technician.
Testimony is expected to continue on Monday.