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Ashley Oiler [former]
- June 13, 2024
Daily Stories
The second day of a jury trial for a 2012 murder trial in Baltimore City Circuit Court continued on June 12 with expert testimony from a medical examiner, an FBI agent and the Baltimore Police Department (BPD).
Ronald Eaton Cornish, 37, appeared in court today with his attorney Koryn High before Judge John A. Howard. Cornish is charged with first-degree murder, firearm use in a felony violent crime, having a handgun in a vehicle on a public road, having a handgun on his person and firearm possession with a felony conviction for the 2012 death of Warren Boone, 26.
Boone was shot twice according to the medical examiner. She said one of the gunshots was at close range and the other, which was on the right side of the head, was classified as the fatal wound.
An FBI special agent continued his testimony from Tuesday about cell phone tracking information allegedly linking the suspect to the victim’s location. The defense questioned how the accuracy of the analysis since cell phone data isn’t exact.
Baltimore Police Department investigators believe Cornish allegedly shot Boone then drove away. Documents from the District Court of Maryland state that his body was discovered on the 5100 block of Goodnow Road approximately 40 feet from an apartment complex parking lot.
In 2016, Cornish was convicted of Boone’s murder by a jury and sentenced to life plus 20 years. However, in 2022 the Appellate Court of Maryland reversed a decision by the Baltimore City Circuit Court not to give Cornish a new trial. According to previous reports, the motion for a new trial followed the discovery of new evidence from a witness.
The case in now in the hands of the jury.