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Andrew Michaels
- December 22, 2021
Daily Stories
A 28-year-old man accused of fatally shooting another man outside a Baltimore bar will be tried again. This time nearly four years after the alleged murder.
On Dec. 21, a Baltimore City prosecutor and defense attorney Bradley Shepherd agreed on a trial date of May 2, 2022, for Jaquan Burks. The defendant is charged with first and second-degree murder, firearm use in a felony violent crime, firearm possession with a felony conviction, and having a handgun on his person.
The prosecutor offered Burks a plea of life for first-degree murder, which was rejected during Tuesday’s proceedings.
CBS Baltimore previously reported that Burks allegedly shot and killed Emmanuel Cruz on July 9, 2018, outside a bar on the 400 block of N. Haven Street.
Burks was convicted of first-degree murder, firearm use in a violent crime, firearm possession, and carrying a handgun on his person in August 2019 and faced life in prison plus 35 years. However, the case was appealed about a month later.
The case went to the appellate court in April 2021 when the conviction was reversed because jurors were not asked to “concisely describe the fundamental right at stake” or asked about their “willingness and ability to follow the court’s instructions as to that right” prior to jury selection.
The defendant was denied bail in August.