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Baltimore Witness Staff
- December 15, 2022
Daily Stories
Editors Corner
As a newsletter subscriber you know the unique work our small team has been able to do covering our city’s criminal justice system with data and unique reporting.
We do this without the Banner’s $23 million in start-up funds or the Sun’s legacy machinery.
And yet in 2022 we provided the only truly independent data about Batlimore’s criminal justice system that played an important role in the State’s Attorney’s race. We covered the serious failings of the Circuit Court’s Clerk’s Office. We called out the BPD for its imaginative closure rates.
We have had amazing supporters in the city but to be honest we need a few more. We have grand plans for 2023 – a first of its kind automated, push notification system that will allow those traumatized by crime to follow their cases and a newsletter/dashboard that will allow us to bring real-time data to the neighborhood level. These will have direct impact on individuals otherwise not served in the city.
I know you are inundated by donation requests as the holidays approach, but we are looking for just 100 of our readers to give $20. If you find value in what we are doing please consider a donation of any kind. We are just a few thousand short of a generous match that will double that money.
Please help us continue the fight.
Many thanks and happy holidays.
Amos Gelb