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Kaliah Green [former]
- October 10, 2023
Attempted Murder
Daily Stories
Non-Fatal Shooting
On Oct. 10, the assistant state’s attorney in an attempted murder case dropped all charges before Baltimore City Circuit Judge Judge Videtta A. Brown.
Kevin Mack was charged with attempted first-degree murder, attempted second-degree murder, first-degree assault, second-degree assault, reckless endangerment, use of a firearm in a felony violent crime, firing a gun within Baltimore City, illegal possession of ammunition, possession of a firearm with a felony conviction, possession of firearms during a controlled dangerous substance offense, illegal possession of a regulated firearm and possession of a rifle with felony conviction in connection to an Oct. 29, 2022, incident.
Defense attorney Isabel Lipman waived the 50-year-old defendant’s presence due to not needing him there. The prosecution had no footage of the shooting, so their whole case was based on witness testimony. The prosecution contacted the witnesses in April about the trial. The prosecution then tried to contact the witnesses again on Oct. 9 and received no response.
Due to lack of witnesses, they entered a “nolle pros,” meaning the prosecuting was abandoning the action on all counts.