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Andrew Michaels
- November 12, 2021
Daily Stories
There have been 27 homicides in October, according to Baltimore Witness data. The majority occurring in the western and eastern districts of the city.
Western and eastern Baltimore had five homicides, each, last month. Three district accounted for four homicides a piece, including the southwest, central, and southern districts.
Three homicides were reported in the southeast district. There were two homicides in the northeast district and no homicides in the north or northwest districts.
There was a 3.6 percent decrease from September to October, data shows. Most of the homicides were gun-related.
According to Baltimore Witness data, two or more homicides took place on Oct. 1,6, 15, 23, 24,and 30.
October’s homicide count in the east, west, and southwest remained fairly consist with September’s counts, despite an additional homicide in the southwest two months ago.
The number of homicides in the northwest dropped from four in September to zero in October but increased in the central district from one in September to four in October.