Non-Fatal Shooting Defendant Accepts Plea Deal

Baltimore Court Seal

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A non-fatal shooting defendant pleaded guilty during reception court at the Baltimore City Circuit Court on July 1.

The prosecution offered Craig Johnson 25 years, suspending all but 12 years, for first-degree assault along with an offer for his firearm possession with a felony conviction charge. The sentences will run concurrently under the deal, which defense attorney Jonas Needleman accepted on behalf of his client.

In connection to an incident in October 2019, Johnson, 37, was also charged with another count of firearm possession with a felony conviction, as well as attempted first and second-degree murder, second-degree assault, reckless endangerment, firearm use in a violent crime, carrying or wearing a handgun on his person, discharging firearms, and illegal possession of ammunition.

In another case heard during reception court, Judge Melissa M. Phinn dropped the charges of non-fatal shooting defendant.

The prosecution motioned to dismiss the case of Donta Butler, as he is now deceased. Butler was involved in a December 2019 incident at the age of 19.

Butler faced two charges of attempted first and second-degree murder, first and second-degree assault, reckless endangerment, firearm use in a violent crime. He was also charged with possession of a firearm as a minor, illegal possession of a firearm, carrying a handgun on his person, carrying a gun for 100 yards, illegal possession of ammunition, and firing a gun within the city.