Non-Fatal Shooting Defendant Accepts Guilty Plea

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A 30-year-old man accused of a non-fatal shooting in June accepted a plea from the prosecution on Dec. 6 in Baltimore City Circuit Court.

The Baltimore resident was originally charged with first and second-degree assault, firearm use in a felony violent crime, illegal possession of a firearm, having a loaded handgun in a vehicle, having a handgun on his person, illegal possession of ammo, and discharging firearms.

The incident occurred on June 5.

On Monday, the defendant appeared before Judge Melissa M. Phinn to accept a plea offer of five years, suspending all but one, with two years probation for illegal possession of a firearm, and 3 years, suspending all but one, with two years probation for having a handgun on his person.

He must also register as a gun offender.

The defendant accepted the plea before defense attorney Singleton Matthews who stood in for Donald Wright during Monday’s proceedings.

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