Murder Defendant Almost Acquitted on All Charges

Baltimore Courthouse

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Jurors returned a verdict of not guilty on all charges except wearing and transporting a handgun in a decision heard before Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Jennifer B. Schiffer on Aug. 22. 

Vincent Harris was charged with first-degree murder, two counts of using of a firearm in a violent crime, having a handgun, and two counts of first-degree assault for the death of 37-year-old Jacob Coates on July 29, 2020. 

After several days of trial, the jury wasn’t convinced there was enough evidence to prove Harris was the shooter in Coates’ death. According to the defense, it was possible one of Harris’ two do-defendants pulled the trigger. 

Harris, 24, was convicted for having a handgun on his person that night, as he admitted to police the murder weapon was his and he was in possession of it when he was arrested. 

The maximum sentence Harris can receive is three years, and he’s already served most of that according to Judge Schiffer. 

Harris’ sentencing date is currently not listed on the Maryland Judiciary website.