Man Rejects Plea in Attempted Murder Case

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A Baltimore man who allegedly shot his brother in September 2020 rejected a plea offer Thursday in Baltimore City Circuit Court before Judge Melissa M. Phinn.

Tyrone Wallace, 38, is charged with attempted first- and second-degree murder, first-degree assault, reckless endangerment, use of a firearm in a violent crime, discharging a firearm, firearm possession with a felony conviction, illegal possession of a firearm, possession of a firearm while also in possession of drugs, and having a handgun on his person.

During postponement court on May 27, the prosecution offered a plea deal of 40 years, suspending all but 25 years, for attempted first-degree murder and five years without the possibility of parole to run concurrently for use of a firearm in a violent crime.

Defense attorney Robert Cole told the judge that Wallace rejected the offer and a trial was scheduled for Aug. 9.

Wallace is currently on home detention.

Wallace’s plea rejection comes one day after Associate Judge Dana Middleton rejected the defense counsel’s motion to suppress a photo lineup from evidence.

Cole argued that two Baltimore Police detectives, who testified on May 26, “unduly suggested” the identification of Wallace during a photo lineup with the victim. The prosecution disagreed with the defense counsel’s characterization of the identification process, arguing that the detectives’ statements were not suggestive.

Judge Middleton ruled that the identification was not “impermissibly suggested” and denied the defense’s motion.