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Baltimore Witness Staff
- May 11, 2022
Daily Stories
A 37-year-old Baltimore man was found not guilty on all charges during a bench trial May 5 before Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Cynthia H. Jones.
Eric Nash was charged with first-degree murder and use of a deadly weapon with intent to injure in connection to an event that occurred on the 200 block of South Ballou Court around 7 p.m. on Nov. 9, 2020.
Nash allegedly confessed to police that he had stabbed the victim, John Noel, in an act of self-defense.
In a police report, one witness identified Nash next to the victim while he lay bleeding in the bathtub. Another witness said Nash was holding a pocketknife in his right hand.
One of Nash’s defense attorneys, Robert Cohen, argued that Nash acted in self-defense. According to the victim’s toxicology report, Noel was under the influence of cocaine, fentanyl, and other drugs before his death.
Noel, in a fit of rage, attacked Nash, Cohen said.
The prosecution argued that Nash acted aggressively, stabbing Noel 73 times, with vital organs being struck in the process.
The prosecutor also disagreed with the defense’s attorney’s assertion on how the drugs may have affected Noel’s behavior.