Man Accused of Attempted Murder Awaits Judge’s Decision on Release Pending Review of Video Surveillance

Baltimore Court Seal

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A 24-year-old man accused of attempted murder is awaiting a Baltimore City Circuit Court judge’s bail review decision after defense counsel argued that his client could not be identified in video surveillance footage.

Baltimore resident Malik Stewart, who rejected a plea offer last week, is charged with first and second-degree attempted murder, first and second-degree assault, and three firearms charges for allegedly shooting someone on the 4300 block of Belair Road in July 2021.

During Tuesday’s bail review, defense attorney Martin Cohen said he did not understand how the prosecution could identify his client from the surveillance footage that captured the alleged shooting.

“My client is not involved in this in anyway and I don’t know how anyone can say he’s involved based on this surveillance footage,” Cohen told the court.

The prosecution argued that Stewart was identified by a Baltimore Police Department officer who was familiar with the defendant.

At Cohen’s request, Judge Philip S. Jackson agreed to review the footage in the coming days before making a decision on the defendant’s release.