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Cimone Gass [former]
- March 2, 2022
Attempted Murder
Daily Stories
Non-Fatal Shooting
A Baltimore man accused of attempted murder was denied bail on March 1 before Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Phillip S. Jackson.
The 22-year-old Baltimore resident is charged with first and second-degree assault, unauthorized removal of property, use of a handgun to commit a crime, carrying and wearing a handgun on his person, having a handgun in a vehicle, discharging a handgun, illegal possession of ammo, conspiracy to first and second-degree assault, conspiracy to remove unauthorized property, conspiracy to use of a firearm during a violent crime, and use of handgun on public roads in connection to an incident on Jan. 13.
During a bail hearing on Tuesday, Judge Jackson listened as the prosecutor informed the court that the defendant was identified by police as the shooter and for this reason, and he should be held without bail.
The defendant’s defense attorney, Charlton Benjamin, argued that the defendant is married, has a steady job, and is a stepfather to three children with one child of his own on the way. The defendant graduated from high school and was shot twice in 2018 and his medical needs are not being met in the jail.
In addition, Benjamin said there’s no evidence of his client releasing 25 shots from a rifle and because of that, the defense recommends 24-hour home detention.
After listening to counsel, Judge Jackson denied bail, deeming the defendant a threat to public safety.
The defendant’s next hearing is scheduled for June 28.