Homicide Defendant Given Life Plus 15 Years  

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Ronald Haskins, 24, was sentenced on June 14 in connection to the murder of 38-year-old Richard Pearson on the 1400 block of Broening Highway.

Haskins was found guilty of first-degree murder, use of a firearm during a violent crime, having a handgun on his person, and possession of a firearm with a felony conviction. 

The prosecutor presented a plea of life for first degree murder and 20 years, the first five without parole, for possession of a firearm with a felony conviction. The charges are set to be served consecutively. 

“Mr. Haskins is a danger to the community,” the prosecutor told Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Yolanda A. Tanner

Haskins’ defense attorney, Josh Insley, said the defendant’s up bringing was hard and he did not think the prosecution’s recommendation was necessary. Insley requested the judge to consider life, suspending all but 30 years for first-degree murder with five years without parole. 

After listening to counsel, Judge Tanner sentenced Haskins to life for first degree murder and 10 years for use of a firearm during a felony violent crime, with the first five years without parole, to run concurrently.  

Haskins’ next hearing is scheduled for Aug. 25.