Help Bring Accountability to our Criminal Justice System

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Everywhere you look in Baltimore there are new teams doing great things. The O’s gave hope to the city. The Raven’s are running all over the competition. Ivan Bates is turning the State’s Attorney’s Office around. Commissioner Worley is avoiding headlines and focusing on policing. Even the Mayor’s offices seem to be changing. 

And homicides and shootings are down. 

But… More than 250 of our fellow citizens will still be killed this year. And more than 600 times someone will fire a gun in our streets. And the sirens will keep blasting. 

Now, more than ever, we need to keep our criminal justice system honest; not through occasional headlines or confrontational interviews, but through consistent, solid, reliable data. 

Only Baltimore Witness is in the Court House every day, tracking violent crime cases and  gathering the data. For three years we have demonstrated that the best way to improve the system is to bring it into the light.

This year, we introduced  the Baltimore Witness Victim Notification System, which allows Baltimore residents to follow cases in real time. That is something the city should do, but it does not. So we did. 

If you agree that we should not take our collective eye off the ball, please support Batlimore Witness. 

Help us make sure our leaders know we are still watching by donating $50 this Giving Tuesday. As an incentive, every dollar will be matched.