Hearing Postponed for Man Accused of Fatally Stabbing Roommate

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A hearing for a 30-year-old Baltimore man accused of fatally stabbing his roommate last January was postponed almost a month after Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Gale E. Rasin approved a request for postponement on Jan. 5.

Epenetus Henriques appeared in mental health court on Wednesday, however, his defense attorney, Brandon Mead, was not present. Judge Rasin granted a postponement, which will bring the defendant back to mental health court on Feb. 2.

Details behind the postponement were not discussed.

Henriques is charged with first-degree murder and use of a deadly weapon with the intent to injure for allegedly stabbing 29-year-old Isaiah Drummond to death in their home on Jan. 23, 2020. Five days later, Drummond’s family reported him missing and notified Baltimore Police Department officers who went to the victim’s home and found evidence of foul play.

Following his arrest, Henriques told police that he stabbed Drummond and then put his body in shallow water off of 100 Reedbird Avenue.

During the defendant’s last court appearance in November, a competency evaluation was ordered, which must be completed by the court within 60 days.