Georgia Resident Rejects Plea to Firearm Charge

Baltimore Court Seal

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On Feb. 13, Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Melissa K. Copeland scheduled the trial of a 29-year-old non-fatal shooting defendant after he rejected a plea offer.

Christian R. Johnson of Mableton, Ga. is charged with having a loaded handgun on his person, having a handgun on his person, reckless endangerment and firing and discharging a gun in connection to a March 31, 2023, incident. 

The prosecution offered Johnson a plea deal of three years, suspending all but one year of incarceration, with three years of supervised probation for having a handgun on his person. Johnson would also be required to register as a gun offender. Defense attorney Catherine Tarantino rejected the offer on her client’s behalf after discussing the terms with him. 

Judge Copeland scheduled Johnson’s one-day trial for April 8 before Judge Gregory Sampson.