Fords Lane Homicide Defendant’s Jury Trial Begins

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On July 22, the prosecution began their arguments for a 19-year-old homicide defendant before Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Melissa M. Phinn.

William Holloman is charged with two counts of first-degree murder, armed robbery, conspiracy to commit armed robbery, firearm use in a felony violent crime, conspiracy to use a firearm in a felony violent crime and having a handgun on his person in connection to the murder of 31-year-old Efraim Gordon in May 2021.

The prosecution said Holloman, along with three accomplices, robbed and shot Gordon through the front door of a residence on the 3700 block of Fords Lane.

The prosecution showed body camera footage from Baltimore Police Department (BPD) officers showing Gordon lying on the ground with life-threatening gunshot wounds, while cries and screams were heard in the background.

Testimony on the first day consisted of various witnesses, including the medical examiner, the victim’s family members and one of the co-defendants who was allegedly driving the vehicle involved in the crime.

The medical examiner testified Monday that Gordon was shot once, causing a “through and through” gunshot wound that led to his death.

One of Gordon’s relatives said the whole family had been attending a wedding together. After he heard the gunshot, he said he saw three teens running away from the house.

Another cousin of Gordon’s also claimed his home surveillance camera captured two of the suspects. He said he saw one of the defendant’s dragging a shopping bag.

Even though the shooting was caught on footage, neither that nor the witnesses could provide investigators with a clear description of the suspects’ appearances and heights.

In the afternoon, one of Holloman’s co-defendants 22-year-old William Clinton III also testified.

Clinton testified that he did not know what was going to happen when he drove to the scene, but when he heard gunfire he drove away. He said he later picked up Holloman and another man, who is believed to be the shooter, 19-year-old Rasheed Morris. Along with Holloman, Clinton, Morris and 20-year-old Omarion Anderson are also charged with murder in the case.

Clinton accepted a plea deal for first-degree murder, but the offer is contingent on his cooperation in the case.

Anderson and Morris also pleaded guilty to first-degree murder in 2022. None of the defendant’s who pleaded guilty have been sentenced yet.

Holloman’s defense attorney, Roya Hanna, told the jury the other co-conspirators may blame Holloman in their testimony to minimize their own sentences.

Trial is expected to continue on July 23.