Double Attempted Murder Defendant Rejects Plea

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On Nov. 6, Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Dana M. Middleton scheduled a 34-year-old attempted murder defendant’s trial after he rejected the prosecution’s plea offer.

Andre Brisbon is charged with two counts of attempted second-degree murder, first- and second-degree assault, reckless endangerment, firearm use in a felony violent crime, firearm possession with a felony conviction, illegal possession of a regulated firearm, having a handgun on his person, having a loaded handgun in his vehicle, having a gun within 100 yards of the public, firing a gun in Baltimore City and illegal possession of ammunition in connection to an April 9 incident.

Brisbon rejected the prosecution’s plea offer of 30 year, suspending all but 15 years, for attempted second-degree murder and a consecutive 20 years, suspending all but five years without the possibility of parole, for firearm use in a felony violent crime. Brisbon would have also been required to serve five years of supervised probation, register as a gun offender, stay away from the victim and attend a restitution hearing.

Defense attorney David Shapiro and the prosecutor agreed to schedule Brisbon’s trial as a backup case before Judge Cynthia H. Jones on March 4, 2024. 

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