Detective Says DNA on Knife Links Suspect to Murder

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A Baltimore Police Department (BPD) detective testified against a homicide defendant in Baltimore City Circuit Court on July 25.

Alphonso Ward, 47, is charged with first-degree murder and possession of a deadly weapon with intent to injure for allegedly killing his cousin Kevin Miller, 41, in October 2023 on the 1600 block of Ramsay Street.

The detective stated that he was granted a warrant to arrest Ward because the evidence led him to believe Ward killed Miller.

“We took DNA evidence from the knife that was allegedly used to kill Miller that pointed to Ward. We also found Miller’s blood on the sweatshirt Ward was wearing the night Miller died,” the detective said.

In addition to Ward’s DNA, the prosecution alleged that the biggest evidence pointing toward Ward was that no one except for Ward was seen entering Miller’s apartment, where the murder took place, and Miller was seen fighting for his life on camera with Ward not helping or calling aid.

In response to the detective’s and the prosecution’s claims, Ward’s defense attorney, Marci Johnson, stated that even though there was evidence against him, no one saw Ward kill Miller. 

Ward’s case was heard in front of Judge Lynn S. Mays