Defendant Accepts Guilty Plea for Assault of Fiance and Police Officer

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During a Dec. 1 reception court proceeding, Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Melissa Phinn presided over parties as a defendant accused of assaulting his fiance and a police officer accepted a plea deal posed by the prosecution.

Aundre Gaston is charged with first-degree assault, second-degree assault, second-degree assault of an officer, and discharging firearms in connection to his alleged conduct on the 3900 block of Stokes Drive on June 2.

At Thursday’s hearing, the prosecution delivered a plea offer involving 10 years, suspending all but time served and three years of probation. The defendant would also be required to attend an anger management program and mental health screenings in exchange for a guilty plea to two counts of second-degree assault.

The 37-year-old has been held in the Baltimore City Detention Center since the night of the incident.

According to Gaston’s defense attorney, Adam Frank police arrived at his home on June 2 after his fiance, whom he assaulted, contacted them after being attacked. The defendant was incarcerated at the scene.

In addition to assaulting his wife, Gaston also spits on a police officer’s arm, accruing an additional second-degree assault charge. 

Regarding his behavior, Gaston stated, “I apologize for my actions that day.”

Gaston will be released from prison and begin serving probation.

Judge Phinn instructed the defendant to report to his probation officer following the proceeding for additional instructions.