Counsel Agree on 2024 Date for Attempted Murder Trial

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On Dec. 22, Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Melissa M. Phinn scheduled a spring 2024 trial for an 18-year-old attempted murder defendant. 

Zion Davis is charged with conspiracy to commit first-degree murder, attempted first- and second-degree murder, first- and second-degree assault, conspiracy to commit first- and second-degree assault, firearm use in a felony violent crime, conspiracy to use a firearm in a felony violent crime, conspiracy to have a handgun on his person and conspiracy to have a loaded handgun on his person in connection to a Jan. 6 incident.

The prosecutor put the same offer on the record as previously in the week. Davis rejected the offer once more. 

Defense attorney Natalie Finegar and the prosecutor agreed on a trial date of April 1, 2024. Judge Phinn scheduled the trial for four days before Judge Barry G. Williams