Baltimore Man Charged with Non-Fatal Shooting Receives Trial Date

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A 29-year-old Baltimore man charged with a non-fatal shooting on Feb. 28 before Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Melissa M. Phinn.

Adam Roberts is charged with armed robbery, robbery, second-degree assault, theft of less than $100, use of a deadly weapon with the intent to injure and discharging firearms in connection to an incident on June 1, 2021. 

On Monday, Judge Phinn listened as the prosecutor presented a plea of 10 years suspending all but five years with two years probation for armed robbery. 

Under the plea, the defendant must complete drug training and screening.

Roberts and his defense attorney, Natalie A McKeown Finegar, rejected the plea indicating that a counteroffer will be made sometime this week. 

Roberts’ next hearing is scheduled for April 29.