Baltimore Man Accused of Attempted Murder Denied Bail

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A Baltimore man accused of attempted murder was denied bail Feb. 22 before Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Jeannie J. Hong

Jamal McDaniel, 20, is charged with first and second-degree attempted murder, first and second-degree assault, firearm use during a violent crime, and CDS possession of a firearm in connection to an incident on June. 5, 2021. 

During a bail hearing on Tuesday, Judge Hong listened as the prosecutor informed the court that the defendant has a prior federal conviction of conspiracy to distribute narcotics on July 5, 2017. The prosecutor recommends no bail due to the nature of the crime and his threat to public safety.

McDaniel’s defense attorney, Craig Ross, argued that his client has two kids, ties to the community, and has been pre-approved to the ASAP program. Ross recommended home detention due to the lack of evidence against the defendant.

In addition, Ross added that according to statement records, the victim did not identify the defendant as the shooter.

After listening to both counsels, Judge Hong denied bail.

McDaniel’s next hearing is scheduled for March 16.

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