Baltimore Man Accepts Plea in Radecke Ave. Shooting

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A defendant involved in a non-fatal shooting accepted a plea offer on Aug. 24 at Baltimore City Circuit Court before Judge Stephen J. Sfekas

The 32-year-old defendant is charged with firearm possession with a felony conviction, illegal possession of a firearm, having a handgun on his person, discharging firearms, and illegal possession of ammo.

He was charged in connection to an incident on May 27, 2020. 

Judge Sfekas listened as the prosecutor presented a plea of five years for firearm possession with felony conviction without parole.   

The defendant and his defense attorney, Filia Morgan-Xavier, accepted the plea offer, which also requires the defendant to have a two-week grace period to allow him to be a part of an alternative sentencing program. The defendant is only allowed outside for four hours per week, and a GPS tracking device will be on him at all times.

If the defendant violates the agreement by failing to show up to court or committing a crime, the plea will be withdrawn, and he will be resentenced. Another term of the agreement is that he must get mandatory mental health and drug treatment.

According to the prosecutor, officers from the Baltimore Police Department reported to the scene of a shooting around 5:36 p.m. on May 27, 2020, on the 5900 block of Radecke Avenue by Jimmy D’s convenience store. When they arrived, officers found the defendant walking with a heavy object in his pocket that caused his pants to fall down.

The man then ran across Radecke Avenue, tossing a handgun into the bushes. Officers later retraced the defendant’s steps and found a revolver loaded with three live rounds of ammo. The defendant’s fingerprints were also found on the handgun. 

There was a witness who saw what happened, the prosecutor said, and there were no victims.