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Hannah Sawickey [former]
, Braden Hamelin [former] - June 10, 2022
Attempted Murder
Daily Stories
Non-Fatal Shooting
A Baltimore man previously convicted of attempted second-degree murder was denied bail on June 10 after an appeal of his conviction.
The defendant, Baltimore resident Jamar Jackson, was found guilty by a jury of first- degree assault, two counts of second-degree assault, and two counts of reckless endangerment during his 2018 trial in connection with a 2017 shooting on the 1800 block of North Mount.
On the night of the incident, Jackson approached the victim, William Brown, from across the street and pulled a gun on him, forcing Brown to walk down the sidewalk. Jackson then shot Brown three times after the victim tried to wrestle the gun away and engaged in a gunfight with Brown’s brother. Jackson then got into a car and was driven away by his co-defendant Cedric Caison, according to the Baltimore City State’s Attorney’s Office.
Jackson appealed his conviction, asserting there was an error in instructing the jury that Jackson’s presence and flight from the crime scene could be used as evidence of guilt, and by having people identify him on video who were not familiar with him, the Daily Record reported.
That initial conviction led to Jackson receiving a 65-year sentence on the aforementioned charges, and his new trial came with little expectation of bail.
“I don’t expect you to release the defendant,” Jackson’s defense attorney, Jason Silverstein, told Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Philip Jackson during Friday’s proceedings.
As a result, Judge Jackson denied the defendant bail. Jackson’s trial is set for Aug. 2.