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Andrew Michaels
- September 1, 2022
Daily Stories
Non-Fatal Shooting
Baltimore City saw at least one shooting per day last month except for Aug. 2, despite having fewer non-fatal shootings than July.
Following the 78 non-fatal shootings reported in July, Baltimore Witness recorded a decline of approximately 7.7 percent for a total of 72 non-fatal shootings in August, marking the first decrease since April.
The most shootings in a single day occurred on Aug. 24 with eight non-fatal shootings and two homicides. This day also marked the highest number of victims in a single day as seven men were shot, one of whom was killed, at the intersection of Shirley Avenue and Park Heights Avenue.
Baltimore Police were called to the scene shortly before 12:30 p.m. and found two victims. Five additional victims were found at local hospitals to treat non-fatal gunshot wounds.
Police said witnesses reported the suspects driving a four-door Lexus sedan, but the investigation remains ongoing.
The one homicide in this incident was among the 25 homicides reported in August, slightly higher than the 24 homicides reported in May. Northeast Baltimore maintained the highest number of homicides in August, with six, declining from the seven cases in July.
However, August homicides declined in six of the city’s nine districts. Southeast Baltimore had the most significant decrease, from five homicides in July to one in August, followed by a decrease from six to three homicides in the southwestern district.
The central, southern, and eastern districts all declined by two homicides each.
North and northwest Baltimore increased by four homicides each, with no homicides reported in these districts in July. Three homicides were also reported in the western district—the same number reported in July.