Defendant Awaiting Global Plea Offer Gets May Trial Date

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On Nov. 28, Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Melissa M. Phinn scheduled a 28-year-old murder defendant’s trial.

Reginald Whitaker is charged with first-degree murder, firearm use in a felony violent crime, firearm possession with a felony conviction, having a handgun on his person, attempted first- and second-degree murder, first-degree assault, armed robbery and robbery in connection to a July 3 incident.

The stand-in prosecution did not have a plea offer for Whitaker. He explained to the court that there are two other pending cases against Whitaker for similar violent crimes. She said she will convey a global plea offer to try to resolve all three cases once they arrive in Baltimore City Circuit Court.

Whitaker and his attorney, James Sweeting III, will appear for his five-day trial beginning on May 14, 2024.