24-Year-Old Pleads Guilty To Attempted Homicide

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A 24-year-old Baltimore resident pleaded guilty to first-degree assault before Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Barry G. Williams on June 17.

Kerron Moore is charged with attempted first-degree murder, two counts of attempted armed robbery, two counts of first-degree assault, two counts of use of a firearm during a violent crime, two counts of reckless endangerment, illegal possession of a regulated firearm, and having a handgun on his person in connection to an incident on Jan. 11, 2021.

During Friday’s proceedings, the prosecutor presented a plea offer of 40 years, suspending all but 10 years, with the first five years without the possibility of parole and three years of supervised probation for first-degree assault and use of a firearm during a violent crime.

Moore and his defense attorney, Donald Wright, accepted the plea.

The defendant expressed his remorse for the incident through his counsel. Wright also informed the court that he and his client were hopeful to enroll Moore in a youth program while he’s incarcerated.

According to a news release, Moore allegedly shot a 26-year-old man at the corner of Payson and Lexington Streets. The shooting was believed to be motivated by robbery, police said.