58-Year-Old Baltimore Man Granted Bail

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A Baltimore man accused of attempted murder was released on electronic home monitoring on March. 1 before Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Phillip S. Jackson

The 58-year-old Baltimore resident is charged with possession of a firearm with a felony conviction and discharging a firearm in connection to an incident on Nov. 28, 2021. 

During a bail hearing on Tuesday, Judge Jackson listened as the prosecutor informed the court that the defendant has a violent criminal background and because of this, he should be held without bail.

The defendant’s defense attorney, Julie Shapiro, who waived her client’s appearance argued that after the defendant was in his apartment, someone tried to break in. She also said her client fired a gun to the ground and called the police after the incident. 

In addition, Shapiro states that her client is prohibited from using a handgun because of a charge in 1990, but the gun was his brother’s weapon. Given the defendant’s medical situation and age, the defense requested the defendant be monitored on home detention. 

After listening to counsel, Judge Jackson released the defendant on electronic home monitoring.

The defendants’ next hearing is scheduled for May 20