39-Year-Old Charged in Non-Fatal Shooting Denied Bail

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Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Jeannie J. Hong denied bail for a 39-year-old non-fatal shooting defendant on Feb. 15.

The defendant is charged with conspiracy to first-degree murder, attempted first-degree murder, first-degree assault, use of a firearm during a violent crime, having a handgun within 100 yards of the public, and possession of a firearm with a felony conviction in connection to an incident on Sept. 18, 2021. 

On Tuesday, Judge Hong listened as the prosecutor informed the court that the defendant and his co-defendant were hanging out in the street on Sept. 18, 2021, when the victim walked by. The two men both pulled out handguns and began shooting at the victim.

The victim suffered multiple gun wounds but survived the shooting, said the prosecutor.

The defendant’s defense attorney Robert D. Cole argued that police recognized and identified the two shooters from surveillance footage of the incident. 

In addition, Cole added that he has yet to see the surveillance video but is confident that his client was misidentified.

The defendant is scheduled for a reception hearing on April 21.