2 Non-Fatal Shooting Defendants Reject Plea Offer

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Two Baltimore men charged in a non-fatal shooting rejected plea offers on Feb. 14 before Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Melissa M. Phinn

The two co-defendants, who are 21 years old and 24 years old, are facing charges of first and second-degree assault, reckless endangerment, conspiracy to first and second-degree assault, conspiracy to reckless endangerment, use of a firearm during a violent crime, conspiracy to use a firearm during a violent crime, having a handgun on person, and discharging firearms in connection to an incident that occurred on Dec. 12, 2020. 

During reception court on Monday, Judge Phinn listened as the prosecutor offered plea deals to the co-defendants for 12 years suspending all but five years with two years on supervised probation for first-degree assault and five years for use of a firearm during a violent crime. The charges are set to run concurrently.

The co-defendants and their defense attorneys Mark Scheuerman and Martin Cohen, respectively, rejected the offers. 

The co-defendants are scheduled for trial on July 25.