Man Charged With Attempted Murder Rejects Plea, Gets Trial Date

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A man charged with attempted murder rejected a plea offer and got a trial date during reception court on Sept. 29 at Baltimore City Circuit Court.

Willian Flores, 31, is charged with attempted first and second-degree murder, first and second-degree assault, reckless endangerment, malicious destruction of property, and four firearm-related charges.

The prosecution offered 10 years for attempted first-degree murder and five years without parole for firearm use in a felony violent crime. The prosecutor, who was standing in for a colleague, had not been told if these charges were to be served concurrently or consecutively. 

Flores’ defense attorney, Jeremy Eldridge, was able to translate this information to his client in Spanish, and they rejected the offer. 

This a similar offer was rejected in June. 

A trial is set for Dec. 13.