Judge Modifies Convict’s Probation After Violation

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A judge adjusts a convicted murderer’s probation after he was found in violation of the conditions. 

David Graham pleaded guilty in 2018 to murder and firearm possession with a felony conviction. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison with five of those years being suspended, and three years of probation. 

Graham was released on probation on Sept. 21, 2020. The probation is scheduled to end in September of 2023.

According to counsel, the 29-year-old was arrested in March in Anne Arundel County for domestic violence. On March 14, officers report that Graham allegedly through a telephone at a woman. The phone didn’t hit the woman, but Graham was still arrested. 

Police also recovered drugs during a search. 

Graham has been held in jail for nearly six months for the disturbance. His lawyer requested that the judge not impose additional incarceration.

In response to the violation, the judge added a condition of drug screening and treatment to the defendant’s probation.