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Claire Schreiber
, Jamiya Austin - March 24, 2025
Daily Stories
After the prosecution disclosed issues with witnesses, Baltimore City Circuit Judge Martin Schreiber II rescheduled 34-year-old Donnell Johnson’s homicide trial for a fourth time on March. 24.
Johnson is charged with first-degree murder, firearm use in a felony or violent crime, and having a handgun on his person and in his vehicle in relation to the Sept. 10, 2020 shooting of 27-year-old Kenneth Bivens on the 1000 block of Beaumont Avenue. The shooting allegedly occurred after a physical altercation. Bivens died two days later from a gunshot wound to the back of his head.
Johnson’s homicide trial is now scheduled to begin on March 26.
Defense attorney Natalie Finegar expressed concerns about the case’s multiple postponements.
“I want a guarantee from the state that we’ll finish this thing on Wednesday,” she said.
Judge Schreiber told Finegar the state cannot guarantee scheduling due to the unpredictability of court proceedings.
“Things happen,” he said.
According to a prosecutor, further witness issues aren’t anticipated when the trial begins March 26.
“I appreciate that both sides in this case are very seasoned and professional,” Judge Schreiber said.