Prosecution Argues Shooting Was ‘Willful and Deliberate’

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On March 13, the prosecutor told a jury that the defendant’s actions were “willful and deliberate” during closing arguments in a  homicide trial before Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Melissa Phinn.

Isaiah Eaddy, 33, is being charged with first-degree murder, firearm use in a felony violent crime, two counts of firearm possession with a felony conviction, and two counts of having a handgun in his possession in relation to the murder of Kareem Gee Jan 26, 2024, on the 1200 block of East Preston Street.

The prosecution replayed surveillance video allegedly showing the defendant’s allegedly raising a gun and shooting Gee in the chest in front of the convenience store. “The shots were fired not once but three times. There was intent to kill,” the prosecutor explained, stating that the defendant’s shots were premeditated. The video was then replayed and slowed down frame by frame displaying the defendant walking towards the victim and firing.

The prosecution argued Eaddy was carrying a firearm with a prior felony conviction. “Don’t check your common sense at the door. This wasn’t self defense. It’s not even partial self-defense,” she said.

Defense attorney Matthew Connell said the defendant carried a gun that day for self-defense. There were multiple shots fired, and he didn’t intend to be shot or robbed that day. “[The] video only shows part of what happened that day,” said Connell

However, Connell asked the jury, “If the shots were intentional, why didn’t he get closer to shoot?” 

Connell said living in Baltimore itself is a danger, “The idea that anyone can grab food, go shopping without our heads on swivel would be nice; it’s a fantasy,“ he said.
During her rebuttal, the prosecutor replayed the video.

“The defense wants you to see this city as a warzone, that it’s kill or be killed.A picture speaks a 1000 words, so how much does a video get?”

Eaddy’s trial is scheduled to continue on March 14