Attorney Claims Everything Defendant Did Was, ‘Within the Law’

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“Everything my client did was within the law as he acted in self-defense,” a defense attorney said during his closing argument on Aug. 19 in Baltimore City Circuit Court.

The attorney, Jason Rodriguez, claimed that his client, 38-year-old William Harris, was afraid for his life during an argument altercation near the corner of 32nd Street and Greenmount Avenue on Dec. 17, 2023, which caused Harris to shoot at the person he was arguing with.

Harris’s charges resulting from the altercation include attempted first-degree murder, attempted second-degree murder, first-degree assault, second-degree assault, firearm use in a felony or violent crime, reckless endangerment, illegal possession of a regulated firearm, having a handgun on his person, having a loaded handgun on his person, illegal possession of ammunition and discharging a firearm.

In response to Rodriguez’s claims, the prosecution stated that Harris wasn’t acting in self-defense because nobody was seen threatening him or pointed a gun at him. 

The prosecution also alleged that even if Harris was acting in self-defense, he was still proven guilty of the firearms offenses. Surveillance footage showed Harris discharging a firearm at someone who wasn’t shooting back at him.  

Harris’s trial was heard in front of Judge Cynthia H. Jones.