72-Year-Old Defendant Accused of Murdering Girlfriend Rejects Plea Offer

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During a Dec. 5 reception court hearing, Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Melissa Phinn presided over counsels as a 72-year-old defendant accused of murdering his girlfriend declined a plea offer posed by the prosecution.

Michael Maurice Allen is charged with first-degree murder, second-degree murder, and use of a deadly weapon with the intent to injure  in connection to the stabbing of 68-year-old Elizabeth Holland on the 3000 block of Ascension Street, on June 1, 2018.

At Monday’s hearing, the prosecution posed a plea deal of life, suspending all but 50 years for first-degree murder. 

Allen’s defense attorneys, Robert Cohen and Judit Otvos, rejected this offer on behalf of their client.

According to a press release from the Office of the State’s Attorney for Baltimore City, police responded to Allen’s residence after he reportedly called them and stated that he found his girlfriend unresponsive and bleeding when he returned home from walking his dog. He claimed the door was open upon his arrival. 

Despite his claim, police found no signs of forced entry or any other physical evidence suggesting an unknown person committed the crime.

Holland’s blood was found on Allen’s arm as well as money in the center console of his vehicle.

Allen is expected to stand trial in July 2023. Counsels were unable to select a specific date as Cohen has military obligations earlier in the month.

Judge Phinn ordered parties to report back to her via phone when they set a definitive trial date.

According to the Maryland Judiciary website, Allen is scheduled for trial on July 10, 2023.