31-Year-Old Man Accused of Attempted Murder Denied Bail

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A Baltimore man accused of attempted murder was denied bail on March. 1 before Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Phillip S. Jackson

Bryant Adams, 31 is charged with first-degree attempted murder, second-degree murder, first and second-degree assault, reckless endangerment, use of a firearm during a violent crime, possession of a firearm with a felony conviction, having a handgun on his person, and wearing, carrying, or transporting a handgun within 100 yards of a school in connection to an incident on Nov. 29, 2020. 

During a bail hearing on Tuesday, Judge Jackson listened as the prosecutor informed the court that the defendant has two prior convictions for second-degree assault, possession of an illegal firearm in 2016, and is on probation for conspiracy to distribute a controlled substance. Given the defendant’s prior record, the prosecutor recommends no bail.

Adams’ defense attorney, Marc Zayon, argued that the shooting was caught on video but you can’t see the defendant’s face. Adams has no prior violent criminal record, he has strong ties to the community and has a stable job. 

In addition, Zayon states that the victim said Adams was not the shooter, however, the victim passed away, therefore claiming that his client posed no threat to public safety or the victim and recommends 24/7 home detention.

After listening to counsel, Judge Jackson denied bail.

According to CBS Baltimore, on Nov. 21, 2021, officers were called to the 3600 block of 9th Street for reports of shots being fired. They found a 27-year-old man suffering from a gunshot wound.

Jones’ next hearing is scheduled for May 3.