300 Bloom Street Non-Fatal Shooting Defendant Sentenced

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On March 4, Wardell Richardson appeared before Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Erik S. Atas for sentencing in relation to a non-fatal shooting.

Judge Atas found Richardson, 45, guilty after a nine-day bench trial of first-degree assault, having a handgun on his person, firearm use in a felony violent crime, discharging a firearm and possessing a firearm with a felony conviction.

Before sentencing, defense attorneys Robert Cohen and Janet Andersen filed a motion for a new trial, which Atas denied.

According to testimony at his initial trial, Richardson opened fire on a victim, who fired back, striking him in the leg. The incident took place on March 23, 2022, near the intersection of the 300 block of Bloom Street and 2000 block of Eutaw Place.

Richardson was sentenced eight years for assault in the first degree, three years for having a handgun on his person, twelve years for firearm use in a felony violent crime, one year for discharging a firearm and twelve years for possessing a firearm with a felony conviction. Richardson was sentenced to twelve years total, with no possibility of parole in the first five years. Richardson will be parole eligible after six years.