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Massiel Morales [former]
- August 11, 2022
Daily Stories
The jury trial for Kiray Walker continued with police and detective testimonies detailing the series of robberies, carjackings, and double homicides in a case featuring his two co-defendants on Aug. 10 before Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Videtta A. Brown.
Kiray Walker, 21, Devon Bynum, 19, and Malik Brooks, 22, are charged in connection to a homicide on Nov. 14, 2019, and are represented by defense attorneys Donna D’Alessio, Catherine Flynn, and Martin Cohen, respectively. Bynum and Brooks trials are slated to occur after Walker’s trial.
Walker is charged with two counts of first-degree murder, two counts of conspiracy to commit first-degree murder, and two counts of use of a firearm during a violent crime.
During the second day of trial the owner of the Honda Civic said he was attacked by masked individuals with only their eyes visible. The owner testified that he obliged with the males’ demands, handing over his personal belongings out of fear for his life.
The owner of a Monte Carlo, that was also targeted by the individuals, said he was clearing the frost from his car around 5 a.m. when three masked people approached him and threatened to shoot him.
The prosecutor also called in a Baltimore County detective and four detectives from the Auto-Theft Force of the Baltimore Police Department. All the detectives testified that they were looking for a 2015 Gray Honda Civic and a 2007 Chevrolet Monte Carlo that were carjacked.
The Baltimore County detective testified that he and his partner went looking for the Monte Carlo and Honda Civic because most carjacked cars tended to end up in Baltimore City.
He said they found the Honda Civic and Monte Carlo parked on Marbourne Avenue. The detectives parked on Marbourne Avenue for about 20 minutes until they saw three suspects walking to the Honda Civic and Monte Carlo. Two suspects got into the Honda and drove away and one suspect, who was driving the Monte Carlo, was followed by the detectives.
The detectives from the Auto-Theft force said they apprehended Walker, Brooks, and Bynum. At the time the suspects were apprehended, the detectives said they were chasing two vehicles and several collisions occurred.
The prosecutor showed jurors one of the detectives’ body cam videos of Walker’s arrest and how he was patted down to ensure he had no weapon. A gun was found in a second pair of his underwear.
During defense’s rebuttal, Flynn questioned if the detective who packaged the gun was at the scene. He responded that he was not at the scene. Defense counsel also questioned if the detective’s information was not based on personal knowledge nor based on someone else’s story and the gun could have belonged to another crime.
“That’s pure speculation by counsel,” the prosecutor said.
A firearm examiner from Baltimore County also testified. He said he found a correlation between the gun’s ballistics and Walker, which linked him as a suspect.
According to the Baltimore Police, the defendants are connected to two carjackings, five armed robberies and a double shooting that left 22-year-old Aryanna James and 21-year-old Courtney Richardson dead.
The double homicide occurred in 2019 between 2:30 a.m. to 3 a.m. where two suspects came from an alley with their arms extended as if they were pointing a handgun and two people collapsed to the sidewalk, according to court documents.
Medics pronounced James dead at the scene. Richardson was taken to shock trauma where he died.
The trial will is slated to continue on Aug. 11